GOFAST Concepts

“The ‘GOFAST’ concept is to provide people of any skill level with effective, fundamental-based training and tools to progress as quickly and as far as possible.”

GOFAST Concepts was founded on the belief that shooting -like many other pursuits- is based on a few fundamental skills. While ancillary training has its own important place, people will make the most, and the quickest progress by focusing on the fundamentals. 

“GOFAST” itself is an acronym, based on the aforementioned beliefs:







“Action” and “skills” is left somewhat ambiguous intentionally, as the concept can be applied to more than just shooting. Keeping things simple and fundamentals-based allows for more effective training retention, progress tracking, and honing of the skills that will truly make a difference in one’s performance and progress. Fundamental skills represent 95% of all achievable progress towards mastering an endeavor.